College And Retirement Really Can Coexist
But only if you do it right. Click below to see if you are on the right track to living the future of your dreams.

Right College
Make sure your student selects the college that is the best fit: academically, socially, and financially.

Right Price
Your student’s best-fit college will cut the price tag to encourage your student to attend, making it the right price for you, Mom and Dad.

Retirement Preserved
With your student successfully “launched” at the lowest possible cost, you, Mom and Dad, get to enjoy your retirement to the fullest.
The College Search Process is Insanely Backward

Your student falls in love with their dream college
When your student begins receiving pamphlets in the mail after their PSAT, they might fall in love before you know anything more than the pretty picture.
You tell colleges what you can pay
You very willingly file financial aid forms and, in so doing, tell colleges exactly what you can afford to pay.
Colleges give you a price tag that you have to take or leave
Once the college knows how much they can charge you, then the college gives you the bill.

Make Colleges Fall in Love With Your Student
When you approach the college search process the right way, your student has colleges clamoring for them; not the other way around.
Understand Your EFC and What It Means
When you are in control of your finances and how colleges use them, you are in the driver’s seat.

Have Your Choice of Colleges at a Reasonable Cost
When it comes time to apply, you and your student are knowledgeable and prepared to solicit the best possible aid packages from your student’s best-fit colleges.
College + Retirement;
It IS Possible!
We know how backwards the college process is first-hand. For over 20 years, Peter Lampert has used his financial skills to guide families through the college process and come out the other side with more money than they expected to be able to enjoy the retirement of their dreams.
Today, the Afford College team uses a step-by-step process implementing 7 unique formulas to help families achieve their dreams. This process is called the CollegeBound Experience™.
We believe that every student deserves a great-fit college and every family deserves the opportunity to achieve their college + retirement dreams.
Find out if we’re a good fit by starting with our quiz.